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Who are we?

We are cdnjs, the #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers serving over 11% of all websites, powered by Cloudflare.

We believe in the open-source mission, and want to support a fast and free web. To do that, we’ve built our service to be free, public, and developer/web friendly since 2011. We handle over 185 billion requests a month and support HTTP/3, HTTP/2, QUIC, SPDY, HSTS & HTTPS!

While a CDN isn’t perfect for every occasion, when it is we’re here for you.

View our libraries We're on GitHub


Matt Cowley

Maintainer (Cloudflare)

Sven Sauleau

Maintainer (Cloudflare)

Tyler Caslin

Maintainer (Cloudflare)

Drew Freyling

Active Contributor


Active Contributor

Ryan Kirkman


Thomas Davis


