EU action on the rights of the child

EU action to protect children's rights, including legal basis, policies and funding.

Child-friendly justice

Legal and capacity-building measures the EU promotes to ensure judicial systems in Europe adapt to the needs of children

The right to be heard - child participation

EU actions to promote and protect the child's right to be heard

Violence against children

Promoting the prevention of and responses to violence against children

Child protection systems

Principles for strengthening child protection systems and child safeguarding standards for organisations working with children.

Missing children and child alert mechanisms

EU actions on missing children

Who we work with on the rights of the child

The European Commission works on rights of the child with other EU institutions, EU Member States, international organisations and civil society.

Children in migration

Protection of children in migration, challenges and EU actions and funding.

Useful resources on the rights of the child

Resources and databases on the rights of the child