Members & Groups

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The EESC has 326 Members from all EU Member States, who are appointed for a renewable five-year term of office. The current mandate runs from October 2015 to September 2020. Members are nominated by national governments and appointed by the Council of the European Union. They are independent and perform their duties in the interest of all EU citizens. The number of Members per country is in proportion to the country's population.

The Members work in three groups, representing "Employers" (Group I), "Workers" (Group II) and "Diversity Europe" (farmers, the professions, and consumers etc. - Group III). Each group has its own secretariat. EESC Members themselves choose which group they wish to join.

The EESC Members may, on a voluntary basis, form categories, which represent the various economic and social interests of organised EU civil society and are made up of members from the three groups.