EN | FR | DE
European Passport to Active Citizenship

Welcome to the European Union (EU), the world’s first transnational and participatory democracy

As an EU citizen, you have the right to influence the rules which apply to more than 500 million people across 28 Member States. Now, you might think: that’s great, but how can I make my voice heard in practice? This electronic passport produced by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) provides a direct answer to that very question. It is a starter kit for active citizenship and participatory democracy in Europe.

The passport links individual citizens, civil society organisations and their ideas with EU institutions and continent-wide decision-making. It offers quick guides, facts and toolkits for the various means of participation, including a briefing on the European Citizens’ Initiative — the new and potentially very powerful mechanism of transnational, direct and digital people-power established a few years ago.

This passport is designed to assist and guide you in making your voice heard by encouraging you to ask yourself some basic questions about timing (when should you take action?), teams (who should you join forces with?) and tools (which available participatory instrument should you use?) when it comes to active citizenship and participatory democracy in the European Union.

Moreover, this electronic version offers plenty of additional interactive elements: quick links, quizzes and infographics to illustrate the information and give you an insight into your citizen’s rights at a glance.

Are you ready to act for Europe? Ready, set, click!

The booklet version of the passport is also available in
23 official languages.