EIT Alumni

The EIT Alumni Community is a community for all EIT graduates and alumni, regardless of what Innovation Community you belong to, what area you specialise in, or what part of the world you live in. Be part of this exciting community, find opportunities from all over Europe (and beyond), and learn, create and be a change agent!

All graduates from the Innovation Communities’ entrepreneurial education and business acceleration programmes benefit from being part of a growing EIT Alumni Community. This Community brings together entrepreneurs and innovation enthusiasts who share a common vision for creating positive societal impact through innovation and entrepreneurship. The EIT Alumni Community is an interdisciplinary and multicultural network of networks bringing together professionals from different countries and sectors. 

The EIT Alumni Board, made up of representatives of the five current individual Alumni Communities of the EIT’s Innovation Communities, is responsible for the strategic development of the EIT Alumni Community, to further develop it, and to encourage an active exchange between members. In its work, the EIT Alumni Board ensures complementarity and alignment with KIC Alumni Associations and the EIT`s strategies and activities.

Want to keep up to date with the EIT Alumni?

Check out their dedicated website

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EIT Alumni Activities

The EIT Alumni organises and supports a number of pan-European activities, these range from bottom up, alumni driven initiatives such as local Women@EIT events in support of women entrepreneurship, to the promoting of EIT Alumni Ambassadors who actively participate in European events on behalf of the EIT Alumni, developing their own skills while also increasing community visibility.

In addition, the EIT Alumni has two flagship activities. The EIT Alumni Startup Days and EIT Alumni CONNECT.

EIT Alumni Startup Days are held multiple times a year in major cities across Europe. These are a challenge solving, hackathon-style event, where alumni from all disciplines and backgrounds co-create together to solve societal challenges in partnership with key names in European Industry.

EIT Alumni CONNECT, is the annual meetup of the wider community. Over 150 Alumni from each of the EIT’s Innovation Communities come together to connect, build partnerships, co-create on projects and work together to build and develop the EIT Alumni Community. Check out the photo gallery from 2017 here!

Want to know more about the EIT Alumni?

Read about last year's EIT Connect, browse some EIT Alumni Success Stories, follow the journey of an EIT Alumni entrepreneur and much more in the 2018 Impact Report.

Follow the EIT Alumni Community



Are you a studying in a EIT labelled-educational programme, or taking part in an EIT Business Acceleration programme? Or you have already graduated and you would like to keep in touch with the community and connect with the other EIT Alumni? Join the LinkedIn group* at http://linkd.in/1b8pfme.

*The access is granted just to students and alumni from EIT-labelled educational  and business acceleration programmes . For more information on the Masters and Ph.D programs, please consult the relative websites or follow the link above.