Hold my Booking

Need more time to think about your next trip?

Plan your trip now! Through “Hold my Booking” service, we will keep your selected flight on hold at the current available price for 4 days for domestic flights or 6 days for international flights.

How does it work?

  • Search and select your ideal flight and price.
  • Choose “Hold my Booking” on the payment step.
  • Fill in your payment details and confirm that you wish to place your booking on hold.
  • You will be charged with the corresponding fee and receive a confirmation email with a link to complete your reservation and proceed to payment within the holding period.
  • The booking will be held for you for 4 days (96 hours) for domestic flights or 6 days (144 hours) for international flights. You may come back to your booking, which is on hold, at any time within the 96 or 144 hours through the link in the confirmation email or “My booking” section.

“Hold my Booking” Fees & Timeframes

Holding fee* Holding period** "Hold my booking" available for
Domestic flights 3 EUR 4 days Up to 7 days before departure
International flights 6 EUR 6 days Up to 10 days before departure
*The holding fee applies per passenger.
**The holding period applies from the time the holding fee is paid at the local time of the departure city.