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Publication date: 15 July 2020

Video blog Michael O'Flaherty: July bulletin on COVID-19 video file (127.52 MB)

On the 14th of July the French State honoured hundreds of medical workers who have done such heroic work in the context of battling Covid-19.

That was entirely appropriate.

Of course there are many other communities of workers who are doing vital work at the present time.

The Fundamental Rights Agency in the July edition of its bulletin on the impact for fundamental rights of Covid-19 maps out an array of the initiatives of so many different types of people engaged with the promotion and the protection of human rights.

We tell the story of those courts that have pushed back against excessive regulation.

The story of civil society advocating for rights but also delivering vital services often incredibly creatively.

We tell the story of those National Human Rights Institutions and Ombuds bodies who are playing such an important role in so many societies.

Also in the July edition of the Bulletin, we record from across the EU a loosening up of regulation, a gradual reduction in the restraints and how we choose to live our lives. That shines the light on us, on our personal and social responsibility.

And delivering on that responsibility is our greatest human rights challenge going forward.