
Report / Paper / Summary
Publication date:
29 November 2016

Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey Roma – Selected findings

Some 80% of Roma surveyed live below their country’s at-risk-of-poverty threshold; every third Roma lives in housing without tap water; every third Roma child lives in a household where someone went to bed hungry at least once in the previous month; and 50% of Roma between the ages of six and 24 do not attend school. This EU-MIDIS II report underscores an unsettling but unavoidable reality: the European Union’s largest ethnic minority continues to face intolerable discrimination and unequal access to vital services.

Report / Paper / Summary
Publication date:
16 November 2018

Working with Roma: Participation and empowerment of local communities

This report presents the main insights gained during the EU Fundamental Rights Agency’s project on local engagement for Roma inclusion, which explores how to best involve Roma in integration efforts at the local level. Bringing together local authorities and residents, especially Roma, it investigated what aspects work, which ones do not, and why this is the case.

Report / Paper / Summary
Publication date:
19 July 2018

Transition from education to employment of young Roma in nine EU Member States

Across the European Union, Member States are faced with the challenge of integrating Europe’s most deprived and disenfranchised minority groups. As a follow up to the EU-MIDIS II findings on Roma, this report presents FRA’s findings relating to the issues of education and employment. Encouraging Roma participation in education and employment equips communities with higher incomes, better life opportunities and greater social inclusion.
