Virtual Inclusion

Service Details

Virtual Inclusion
United Kingdom
Service description: 

Virtual Inclusion is a company that has a core social focus to help promote venues/businesses/locations through accessible customer journey mapping and by enabling users to plan and understand their whole visit to the location in a virtual environment before they arrive. There are nearly 14 million people with a disability in the UK and many do not have the confidence a location will be accessible for them before they arrive, despite how much they try to find out. This is the issue we can solve with our Inclusive Virtual Tours, to give anyone the confidence, information and independence they need to access any location.

60 Union Street, Dundee, DD52AU, United Kingdom


Visitor Types

Small Children
People with motor impairments
People who use a wheelchair
People who are deaf or have hearing impairments
People who are blind or have vision impairments
People with dementia ("dementia-friendly"), learning difficulties, autism or other cognitive / developmental impairments
People with long-term health problems (e.g. respiratory and circulatory conditions or invisible disabilities)
People who are frail, lacking in strength or stamina
People who use any kind of technical assistive devices

Services Information

Information & Booking: 
Accessibility Information Scheme
Advertising, Marketing, Public Relations
Audio/Video guide, smartphone application
Audio/Visual, digital media services (e.g. Closed Captioning, Audio Description)
Information and Communication Technologies

Accessibility Information