Living and working in Luxembourg

20 May 2020

Data source: Eurostat

Eurofound provides research, data and analysis on a wide range of social and work-related topics. This information is largely comparative, but also offers country-specific information for each of the 28 EU Member States, which included the UK prior to its withdrawal from the European Union on 31 January 2020. Most information is available in English but some has been translated to facilitate access at national level.

Eurofound strives to strengthen the ongoing link between its own work and national policy debates and priorities related to quality of life and work. Increasingly important in this context is the Europe 2020 growth and jobs strategy launched in 2010, which has five headline targets, covering employment through to social inclusion and poverty reduction. The strategy is implemented in the context of the European Semester process – the EU's annual cycle of economic policy guidance and surveillance – which ensures that Member States keep their budgetary and economic policies in line with their EU commitments through, in part, National Reform Programmes. These programmes form the basis for the European Commission's proposals for country-specific recommendations (CSRs) for each Member State.

European Commission: The European Semester
European Commission: The European Semester - EU country-specific recommendations
European Commission: European Semester documents for Luxembourg

2015 Eurofound EWCS survey results in Luxembourg: 97% of people consider themselves good at their work

Living and working in Luxembourg and COVID-19

COVID-19 continues to have a profound impact on people’s lives across the globe, with major implications for quality of life and work. Eurofound has taken a multipronged response to the pandemic, adapting its research focus in a variety of ways. A new database of national-level policy responses, COVID-19 EU PolicyWatch, collates information on measures taken by government and social partners, as well as company practices, aiming to cushion the effects of the crisis. Eurofound launched an e-survey in early April, Living, working and COVID-19, to capture the immediate economic and social effects of the crisis across the European Union and beyond. The survey investigates the impact on well-being, work and telework and on the financial situation of people living in Europe. The first findings for each country, as well as a range of data pages are now available.

Explore our data pages by country to find out more on the situation in Luxembourg.


The country page gives access to Eurofound's most recent survey data and news, directly related to Luxembourg:

Research carried out prior to 31 January 2020, and published subsequently, may include data relating to the 28 EU Member States. Following this date, research only takes into account the 27 EU Member States (EU28 minus the UK), unless specified otherwise.

Survey results

Ability to choose or change
methods of work

Data source: 2015 EWCS survey

Possibility to accumulate overtime
for days off

Data source: 2013 ECS survey

Recent developments

Eurofound contacts in Luxembourg

Correspondents in Luxembourg

Correspondents report on topics related to developments in the country's working life and inform Eurofound’s pan-European comparative analysis. Read more

Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)

Eurofound Management Board members from Luxembourg

Eurofound's Management Board is made up of representatives of the social partners and national governments of all Member States, European Commission representatives and an independent expert appointed by the European Parliament. Read more

Nadine Welter Ministry of Labour, Employment & the Social and Solidarity Economy

Philippe Heck Luxembourg Business Federation - FEDIL

Véronique Eischen-Becker Luxembourg Confederation of Independent Trade Unions

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Living in Luxembourg

Quality of life

Quality of life

Many of the quality of life indicators in the European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) are on average higher in Luxembourg than on average in the EU. For instance, life satisfaction and happiness have remained fairly stable in Luxembourg and higher than the EU average. In 2016, the average life satisfaction rating was 7.9 and the average happiness rating was 8.1 (on a scale of 1–10). The respective EU28 averages were 7.1 (life satisfaction) and 7.4 (happiness). Respondents in Luxembourg were also more optimistic when compared to the EU average: 77% of respondents felt optimistic about their own future in 2016, which was higher than the EU28 average of 64%. Furthermore, 61% of respondents in Luxembourg were optimistic about their children’s or grandchildren’s future in 2016, also slightly higher than the respective EU28 average of 57%.

    2003 2007 2011 2016
Life satisfaction Mean (1-10) 7.7 7.9 7.8 7.9
Taking all things together on a scale of 1 to 10, how happy would you say you are? Mean (1-10) 8.0 8.0 7.8 8.1
Optimism about own future Agree & strongly agree - - - 77%
Optimism about children’s or grandchildren’s future Agree & strongly agree - - - 61%
Take part in sports or physical exercise At least once a week - - 53% 56%
In general, how is your health? Very good - 22% 26% 28%
WHO-5 mental wellbeing index Mean (1-100) - 63 63 65
Making ends meet With some difficulty, difficulty, and great difficulty 15% 16% 17% 19%
I feel I am free to decide how to live my life Strongly agree - - 43% 30%
I find it difficult to deal with important problems that come up in my life Agree & strongly agree - - - 19%
When things go wrong in my life, it generally takes me a long time to get back to normal Agree & strongly agree - - - 22%

Work-life balance

Work-life balance

Based on the EQLS, 66% of respondents in Luxembourg were too tired from work to do some of the household jobs which need to be done at least several times a month. This work–life balance indicator has deteriorated from 39% in 2003, and is now also higher than the respective EU28 average of 59% in 2016. Similar negative trends can also be observed in other work–life balance indicators.

    2003 2007 2011 2016
(At least several times a month)      
I have come home from work too tired to do some of the household jobs which need to be done Total 39% 42% 50% 66%
Men 36% 40% 47% 67%
Women 42% 46% 54% 65%
It has been difficult for me to fulfil my family responsibilities because of the amount of time I spend on the job Total 19% 24% 25% 34%
Men 20% 25% 27% 36%
Women 19% 23% 22% 32%
I have found it difficult to concentrate at work because of my family responsibilities Total 10% 12% 11% 13%
Men 9% 13% 8% 10%
Women 11% 11% 13% 16%

Quality of society

Quality of society

In 2016, 44% of respondents in Luxembourg felt safe when walking alone after dark, compared with the lower EU28 average of 35%. Additionally, many other indicators about the quality of society are better in Luxembourg than on average in the EU. For instance, 28% of respondents in Luxembourg perceived a lot of tension between different racial and ethnic groups in 2016, which was much lower than the EU average of 41%.

Some of the indicators have also improved in recent years. For example, trust in people has increased from 5.4 in 2003 to 5.9 in 2016 (on a scale of 1–10), which was also above the 5.2 average in the EU28. However, involvement in unpaid voluntary work at least once a month has decreased from 17% in 2011 to 14% in 2016.

    2003 2007 2011 2016
Social exclusion index Mean (1-5) - 2.0 2.2 2.0
Trust in people Mean (1-10) 5.4 5.8 5.9 5.9
Involvement in unpaid voluntary work % "at least once a month" - - 17% 14%
Tension between poor and rich people % reporting 'a lot of tension' 21% 32% 30% 27%
Tension between different racial and ethnic groups % reporting 'a lot of tension' 26% 36% 29% 28%
I feel safe when I walk alone after dark Strongly agree -   - 44%

Quality of public services

Quality of public services

Quality ratings for seven public services

Note: scale of 1-10, Source: EQLS 2016.

The EQLS shows that the perceived quality of public services is higher in Luxembourg than on average in the EU28. In particular, the state pension system (7.9 in 2016, on a scale of 1–10), long-term care services (7.7) and public transport (7.8) perform well in comparison to the other EU Member States. In these three services, Luxembourg has the highest average quality rating among the EU countries. Furthermore, the perceived quality of public services has increased in Luxembourg. For instance, the rating for the quality of health services increased from 7.1 in 2003 to 7.9 in 2016, and the rating for the quality of education system increased from 6.2 in 2003 to 7.1 in 2016.

    2003 2007 2011 2016
Health services Mean (1-10) 7.1 7.4 7.5 7.9
Education system Mean (1-10) 6.2 6.4 6.5 7.1
Public transport Mean (1-10) 6.9 7.6 7.5 7.8
Childcare services Mean (1-10) - 7.1 7.4 7.7
Long-term care services Mean (1-10) - - 7.6 7.7
Social housing Mean (1-10) - - 6.4 6.9
State pension system Mean (1-10) 6.8 7.2 7.5 7.9

Working life in Luxembourg


  • Author: Franz Clément, Kristell Leduc, Patrick Thill and Roland Maas
  • Institution: LISER
  • Published on: Monday, November 18, 2019

This profile describes the key characteristics of working life in Luxembourg. It aims to complement other EurWORK research by providing the relevant background information on the structures, institutions and relevant regulations regarding working life. This includes indicators, data and regulatory systems on the following aspects: actors and institutions, collective and individual employment relations, health and well-being, pay, working time, skills and training, and equality and non-discrimination at work. The profiles are updated annually.


Highlights – Working life in 2019

Highlights – Working life in 2019

Highlights updated on: 28 February 2020
For more information, see working paper:
Luxembourg: Developments in working life 2018

The year 2019 was marked by a favourable economic environment with an increase in general employment, but at the same time there were some antagonistic developments in industrial relations. Social dialogue continued to be key to managing social relations, with several successfully negotiated collective labour market agreements (CLA), such as in the construction sector. At the same time, the trend towards more contentious bargaining both at the sector level (when negotiating CLAs, for example) and at the national level (with employers revising their bargaining strategy in tripartite social dialogue) was a factor in 2019.

Social elections , which are held every five years, represented a highlight of the year in industrial relations. This year’s elections determined the new composition of the Chamber of Employees (CSL) (Chambre des salariés) and the staff delegations in companies with over 15 employees. With a participation rate similar to the 2013 election rate (34%), election results confirmed the national representativeness of both the OGBL (Onofhängege Gewerkschaftsbond Lëtzebuerg) and the LCGB (Lëtzebuerger Chrëschtleche Gewerkschaftsbond), with the unions obtaining 35 and the 18 seats in the chamber respectively (out of the 60 available).

During 2019, two major laws also came into force. In June 2019, parliament voted the third and last increase of the minimum wage by 0.9% retroactive to 1 January. This additional increase complements the already implemented increase of 1.1 % by the government in 2018. The government also brought in a regressive tax credit for employees working for the minimum wage up to a gross wage of €3,000. Because the increase represents 5.7% of a net minimum wage, the government decided to cover every increase above 2% (1.1% + 0.9 %) by a tax credit. Social partners interpreted these measures in two ways: the Chamber of Employees and the Chamber of Civil Servants criticised the move because employers contributed less to the costs of the measure, while employers’ professional associations responded that increasing the minimum wage could hamper corporate competitiveness.

A law strengthening the inclusion in employment of employees with disabilities came into effect in July. The law creates a new role – employment inclusion assistants – to improve labour market access for employees with disabilities and employees faced with external redeployment procedures in the private sector.

Working time accounts were introduced in the private sector in March to allow employees to save up working hours for personal projects. The legal framework stipulates that employees must have had a work contract for at least two years to be eligible for a working time account. Accounts are limited to 1,800 hours and additional holidays, late hours or up to five regular holiday days can be used to supply them. Social partners were heavily involved in the negotiation process in the private sector. The OGBL and LCGB insisted on using collective agreements to design the working time accounts, while the Union of Luxembourg Enterprises (UEL) regarded the additional costs and management responsibilities as a burden for companies that choose to implement the accounts.

Key figures

Key figures

Comparative figures on working life in Luxembourg




% (point) change 2012-2018








GDP per capita







Unemployment rate – total







Unemployment rate – women







Unemployment rate – men







Unemployment rate – youth







Employment rate – total







Employment rate – women







Employment rate – men







Employment rate – youth







Source: Eurostat - Real GDP per capita (chain linked volumes [2010], in EUR) and percentage change 2012-2018 (both based on tsdec100). Unemployment rate by sex and age - annual average, % [une_rt_a]; Employment rate by sex and age - annual average, % [lfsi_emp_a].



Economic and labour market context

Luxembourg GDP per capita is three times higher than the EU average; with growth in the vicinity of 5% for 2018, Luxembourg’s economy is among the strongest in the EU. Concerning the labour market, as at 1 January 2018, Luxembourg had 602,005 inhabitants, including 288,234 foreign nationals. As of 29 December 2017, the employment situation was as follows:

  • total domestic employment: 439,898, including 187,217 cross-border commuters (42.6 %)
  • private-sector employees: 383,728, including 181,374 cross-border commuters
  • civil servants: 30,262, including 1,318 cross-border commuters
  • self-employed persons: 25,908, including 4,525 cross-border commuters

Over the course of 2018, total employment rose by 3.7 %. Cross-border employment rose by 4.3 %. In March 2018; the unemployment rate (seasonally adjusted) was 5.7 %, down 0.3 of a percentage point from March 2017.

More information on:

Legal context

The entire labour legislation regarding employers’ representation, trade union representation and collective bargaining is included in the Labour Code. There was a major change in the Labour Code in 2016 concerning working time regulation, where a temporary valid system of reference periods was replaced by definite ones and extended to up to four months under certain conditions and with certain constraints, or even up to 12 months by collective bargaining. Furthermore, the law reforming employee representation in company entered progressively into force in 2016 and a reform of parental leave came into force on 1 December 2016.

Industrial relations context

The concept of the ‘Luxembourg model’ is often referred to when social dialogue or labour relations within the Grand Duchy are discussed. The model is of a social dialogue organisation and culture capable of settling disagreements, and of bringing the main players from different backgrounds together to reach consensus on what measures will enhance the country’s economic and social well-being. This dimension continues to have great resonance among social dialogue players at every level. Another characteristic of Luxembourg’s social dialogue is its traditionally tripartite dimension, involving trade unions, employer organisations and the government. The state is regarded as a social partner in its own right. Most of the important agreements reached at national level – for example on inflation control, budget balance, corporate competitiveness and the labour market situation – are in fact negotiated by all three parties.

Up to 2010, the Luxembourg tripartite model was not questioned (Thill and Thomas, 2010). The first serious breach in tripartite dialogue happened in April 2010, when the Tripartite Coordination Committee announced the failure of discussions about the competitiveness of Luxembourg’s economy, employment policies and public finances. However, the government that has led the country since December 2013 has emphasised its commitment to social dialogue and aims to restore tripartite coordination. After signing a bilateral agreement with unions (in November 2014) and another with employer representatives (in January 2015), the government has been encouraging the social partners to return to the country’s former tradition of tripartite consultation (EurWork, ‘Luxembourg: Efforts to return to tripartism’, 13 May 2015). However, at national level, social dialogue has been slowing down since 2016 with no important national tripartite bargaining on the agenda.

Actors and institutions

Actors and institutions

Trade unions, employers’ organisations and public institutions play a key role in the governance of the employment relationship, working conditions and industrial relations structures. They are interlocking parts in a multilevel system of governance that includes the European, national, sectoral, regional (provincial or local) and company levels. This section looks into the main actors and institutions and their role in Luxembourg.

Public authorities involved in regulating working life

The Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy has two areas of influence: policy covering employment, and labour law and industrial relations. The Ministry designs and directs policy, ensures its overall coordination and prepares legislation.

The Inspectorate of Labour and Mines (ITM) works under the authority of the Minister. Its role is to monitor working conditions and protect employees who have an employment contract, excluding administration officials.

The labour tribunal has a court magistrate who is the president of the court and two assessors where one is chosen from among the employers and the other from among the employees. The labour tribunal is competent in matters of employment contracts; apprenticeship contracts; supplementary pension schemes and insolvency insurance. The courts of appeal, which fall under the Supreme Court of Justice, are competent in matters of appeal against the rulings of the labour tribunal.

Health and Safety issues are mainly deal by the Department of Occupational Health (Division de la Santé au Travail) of the Ministry of Health. This department is responsible by law for the control and coordination of the functioning and organisation of occupational health services; it is also an appeal body for employers and employees in case of disputes about doctors’ opinions. It cooperates with the Inspectorate of Labour and Mines.

The Agency for the development of employment (Adem) is governed by the Minister of Labour (Labour Code, article L.621-1). Its competence extends throughout the territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. It has seven regional offices. A reform has been introduced in 2011 to help it to meet the challenges of the current economic and social context and be effective in helping jobseekers to find employment.


The Collective Employment Relationships Act of 30 June 2004 (Loi sur les relations collectives de travail) introduced and defined the criteria which determine the representativeness of a trade union (Labour Code L.161-3 and L.161-4). Thus, as soon as a trade union meets the legal criteria of representativeness, whether at national or sectoral level, it is entitled to conclude collective bargaining agreements. There are two ‘kinds’ of representativeness that can be at general national level (Labour Code L. 161-4 and L. 161-5), or at sectoral level in a sector that employs at least 10% of the private employees of the country (Labour Code L. 161-6 and L. 161-7). Unions are representative when they receive a minimum share of the votes within the Chamber of Employees (Chambre des salariés) at the latest social elections; 20% at national level or 50% within the sector. Article L-161-4 defines also the general national representativeness of a union in terms of its capacity to sustain a major labour dispute at national level.

There are no statutory regulations setting the criteria of representativeness for employer organisations. Their representativeness is based on mutual recognition.

More information on representativeness of the main social partner organisations can be found in Eurofound’s sectoral representativeness studies.

Trade unions

About trade union representation

Article 11 of the Luxembourg Constitution guarantees the freedom to join a trade union. The current legislation that applies to unions (based on the Law of 30 June 2004 that regulates labour relations) has been included in the Labour Code (article 161-3). Employees are organised on a voluntary basis into a number of trade unions whose principal aim is to negotiate collective bargaining agreements and to defend the interests of trades and professions. It is to be noted that unions are not implemented in companies or establishments, as the only existing employees’ representatives at this level are elected employees, although these representatives may be union members.

Trade union density in Luxembourg decreased from 42, 5% in 2004 to 34,1% in 2014 (OECD) (OECD). This net union density is above the EU average. Data provided by Statec are slightly higher (41% in 2010) as they cover only employees who are resident in Luxembourg, while OECDs data also cover cross-border employees whose union rate density is lower than for residents (Statec, 2011). The large number of services provided by unions can explain the relatively high level of union density, as unions provide help with matters such as legal assistance, coaching, and support for income tax declarations. The density is particularly high (over 60%) in public administration, education and transport sectors, but also in industry. It is quite low in sectors with a high rotation of employees such as the hotel-restaurant sector and in SMEs.

Luxembourg’s trade unions can claim a certain level of success in integrating the immigrant population. With the explosion in cross-border work in the 1980s and 1990s in particular, it was vital for the unions to be established among employees who worked in Luxembourg but lived in neighbouring countries.

Trade union membership and trade union density









Trade union density in terms of active employees








Trade union membership in 1000








Source: OECD/Visser (2014), based on Administrative data on aggregate membership of main confederations organising blue and white-collar employees, and independent unions of financial and managerial staff, clerical workers and white-collar employees, private and public sector from trade union websites, EIRO and the European Trade Union Confederation. Active membership is estimated on the basis of Belgian data on membership among retired workers.

Main trade union confederations and federations

Luxembourg’s trade unionism is marked by structural pluralism. Two peak trade union confederations (LCGB, OGB-L) are recognised as nationally representative unions and are mainly active in the private sector. One other peak confederation is active in the public sector (CGFP). Important unions also exist at the sectoral level, such as Aleba for the bank and insurance sector which is recognised as representative at sectoral level.

Main trade union confederations and federations

Long name



Involved in collective bargaining

Trade Union Confederation of Luxembourg (Onofhängege Gewerkschaftsbond Lëtzebuerg)


70,000 (2018)


Confederation of Christian Unions in Luxembourg (Lëtzebuerger Chrëschtleche Gewerkschafts-Bond)




General Public Sector Confederation (Confédération Générale de la Fonction Publique)


30,000 (2018)

No, but negotiates agreement with government that are assimilated to collective agreement.

Luxembourg Association of Bank and Insurance Employees (Association Luxembourgeoise des Employés de Banque et Assurance)




National Federation of Railroad Workers, Transport Workers, Civil Servants and Employees (Fédération nationale des cheminots, travailleurs du transport, fonctionnaires et employés, Luxembourg), commonly called the FNCTTFEL – Landesverband)

FNCTTFEL-Landesverband (cooperation agreement with OGB-L)



General Federation of the Municipal Administration (Fédération générale de la fonction communale)




On 13 November 2013, 437,000 employees and retired workers were invited to vote to elect representatives at the Chamber of Employees and (active employees only) to elect staff delegations, which are similar to works councils, both held in Luxembourg every five years. Elections for staff delegations are organised in the companies while elections for the Chamber of Employees are organised on a national level on the basis of a vote by correspondence. The turnout was just 36% (approximately 158,000 people) for the Chamber of Employees’ election. For the workplace elections, just over 700 companies were involved. Compared with the previous election in 2008, votes for candidates not affiliated to a trade union increased by 3.37 percentage points and these candidates won 50.71% of the vote. Next was the OGB-L which won a slightly lower proportion of the vote (29.14%) compared to 2008 (30.66%). The LCGB came third with 14.11% of the vote (+1.33 percentage points in comparison to 2008). ALEBA received 4.73% of the vote. The next workplace election will be organised in 2019.

Employers’ organisations

About employers’ representation

Employers are organised on a voluntary basis into a number of professional federations, and in addition, there is a system of guild chambers. Affiliation to the Guild Chamber is mandatory for all private individuals or legal entities established in the Grand Duchy as a craftsperson. This is also the case for the Chamber of Commerce (Chambre de Commerce du Luxembourg, CDC), which is an institution of public law, encompassing all companies, except those in agriculture and the craft industry, which have their own guild chambers. At present, there are three chambers for employers: the Chamber of Commerce; Chamber of Trades (Chambre des Métiers); and the Chamber of Agriculture ( Landwirtschaftskammer Luxemburg). Chambers have the statutory right to be consulted by the public authorities on all social and economic issues affecting their members’ interests. They also have the right to submit proposals for legislation. In certain policy areas, such as statistics and vocational training, they even function as public administrative bodies.

There have been no significant changes within employers' organisations in recent years. However, some important changes at the head of employers’ organisations occurred in 2014 (UEL, ABBL, Chambre de métiers) with a new generation of entrepreneurs. In 2013, about 61% of employees worked in a company in which there was at least one member of a professional organisation. 80% of employees work in company which is affiliated to an employer organisation.

Employers’ organisations - membership and density






Employers’ organisation density in terms of active employees




Visser (2014)

Employers’ organisation density in private sector establishments*




European company survey 2013

* Percentage of employees working in an establishment which is member of any employer organisation that is involved in collective bargaining.

Main employers’ organisations

The peak employer confederation is the Union of Luxembourg Enterprises ( Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises, UEL), representing private sector companies. UEL has eight members’ organisations (including the Chamber of Commerce and Chamber of Trades) covering about 35,000 employers and about 80% all employees. UEL was founded in 2000 as a result of formalising an existing liaison committee of sectoral business organisations. UEL signed the rare economy-wide agreements that mainly implement European framework agreements.

Within UEL, the main organisation is the Luxembourg Business Federation ( Fédération des industriels luxembourgeois, FEDIL), which represents companies in construction, manufacturing and business services. FEDIL is affiliated to BusinessEurope and its members cover about 25% of national workforce.

There is no rivalry between the five main employers’ organisations as they operate in different sectors and cooperate closely since they are affiliated to UEL.

Main employers’ organisations and confederations

Long name




Involved in collective bargaining

Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises


8 members’ organisations


Yes (1)

Fédération des industriels luxembourgeois,


585 companies


No (2)

Association des Banques et Banquiers Luxembourg,


138 companies



Association des Compagnies d’Assurance


120 companies



Confédération Luxembourgeoise du Commerce


11000 companies


No (2)

Fédération des Artisans


40 members’ organisations


No (2)

Fédération Nationale des Hôteliers, Restaurateurs et Cafetiers


2900 companies



Centrale paysane luxembourgeoise


2,500 employers



(1) Only collective bargaining to implement some EU directives.
(2) No, only a few sectoral federations affiliated to the employer’s organisation but not the organisation as a whole.

Tripartite and bipartite bodies and concertation

The ‘Luxembourg social model’ is characterised by tripartite consultation, which brings together the government, representatives of employers and of workers.

It was introduced in the 1970s, at a time when it was necessary to reorganise the iron and steel industry and deal with social problems. This tripartite model kept thousands of steel workers from becoming redundant, made the steel industry fit for the global economy and introduced social policy measures aimed at keeping the unemployment rate very low. Since 1977, the ‘Tripartite Coordination Committee’ ( Comité de coordination tripartite) has been used several times by the government to get consensus on crucial reforms (for example, the first National Action Plan on Employment in the framework of the European Employment Strategy in 1998, and the introduction of the unique working status in 2006).

The economic and financial crisis of 2008 altered the tripartite model fundamentally, because the deterioration of public finances implied that employers and employees had to take more of the burden. Moreover, trade unions and employer organisations disagreed on the causes of the crisis and wanted different solutions. Employers wanted to reinforce competitiveness by reducing costs, whereas trade unions wanted to strengthen economic demand. The economic crisis led to the failure of tripartite dialogue in 2010. In 2015, after signing a bilateral agreement with employer representatives, and another with unions, the Luxembourg government has been encouraging the social partners to return to the country’s former tradition of tripartite consultation.

The Economic and Social Council (Conseil économique et social) plays a role of cooperation and consultation along with the Conjuncture Committee. The government consults the committee on projects aimed at changing legislation or regulations that affect different sectors or the whole national economy. The government may also consult the committee on specific issues to obtain its advice. The committee also coordinates the involvement of social partners within the EU Semester consultation process. Other tripartite bodies are: the Permanent Committee of Labour and Employment ( Comité permanent du travail et de l’emploi), the Women’s Labour Committee (Comité du travail féminin) and the Observatory of Industrial relations and Employment ( Observatoire des relations professionelles et de l’emploi, ORPE) under the umbrella of the Ministry of Labour.

Main tripartite and bipartite bodies




Issues covered

Tripartite Co-ordination Committee (Comité de coordination tripartite)



Search for consensus on economic and social issues

Permanent committee for labour and employment (Comité Permanent du Travail et de l’Emploi - CPTE)



Employment, working condition, health and safety

Economic and Social Council (Conseil Economique et Social - CES)



Consulted and provides advice on any legislative or regulatory action relating to professional sectors and the entire national economy.

Economic Committee (Comité de conjoncture)



The situation of companies forced to resort to short-time working arrangements and to propose, if needed, compensatory payments to companies resorting to short-time work.

Workplace-level employee representation

The main channel for employee representation at workplace level is the Staff Delegation (délégations du personnel/Personal-ausschuss), which is directly elected by all employees in companies with more than 15 employees (Labour Code, article 414-4). In companies employing more than 150, employees are also represented by joint works councils (JWC – Betriebsrot) or joint committees (‘Comités mixte’). In establishments that are part of the same enterprise, a central delegation is established.

The law of 23 July 2015 to reform social dialogue within companies, which was adopted in July 2015, has changed this regulation. From the next round of workplace election, in 2019, the staff delegation becomes the single body representing the interests of the employees and is granted the powers of the joint committee, particularly with regard to codetermination, once the threshold of 150 employees is exceeded. The employees’ representatives are elected for five years. The number of employees’ representatives depends on the number of employees in the company (Labour Code, article 412-1).

Staff delegation

The staff delegation is there to ‘safeguard and defend the interests’ of employees. It makes every effort to prevent and mitigate any individual and collective conflict(s) that could emerge between the employer and the workforce. The staff delegation can, in the absence of any conflict resolution, refer to the Labour and Mines Inspectorate any complaint or observation relating to the application of the legal, regulatory, administrative or contractual provisions (such as those laid down in a collective agreement) that affect the working conditions and protection of employees at their workplace. Article L. 414-4 (Labour Code) enumerates the mandatory topics which have to be submitted to the Staff delegations for information and/or consultation and provides for some formal requirements.

According to the Labour Code, the management is obliged to inform the staff delegation (and the equality delegate) about the structure and the situation of the undertaking (or establishment) as well as the probable evolution of its activities. This information should be provided during meetings with the management of the establishment (see Labour Code article L. 414-4).

The employees’ representatives are elected every five years (through elections called ‘élections sociales’) by all employees at the workplace. They can be nominated by the unions or by at least 5% of the total number of employees. The last elections were held in November 2013.

The legislation envisages a minimal number of meetings for the staff delegation (three a year).

The new law makes the delegation the only body that will represent employee interests, fulfilling functions such as presenting complaints or suggestions to companies on issues such as working safety, part-time work, harassment and training. The size of the delegation depends on the number of employees at the company, ranging from one member for a company that has 15–25 employees, to 25 members for companies with between 5,101 and 5,500 employees.

Staff delegates will benefit from increased paid leave and more time for training to fulfil their duties. In companies with at least 250 employees, some delegates (délégués libérés) will be exempted entirely from work to fulfil their staff representation duties. The employer will provide the delegation with information about the company, including developments of its activities, its financial outlook, and foreseen changes in its employment situation. In companies with at least 150 employees, this will either happen once a month, or at the request of the delegation; in smaller companies, at least annually. Staff delegations will have co-decision rights of the past joint company committee (see below) and additionally, on vocational training issues (Labour Code, article L. 414-2). The staff delegation in companies with fewer than 150 employees have no co-decision rights on these topics, but they are informed and consulted, and they do not have to agree with the employer.

Furthermore, in companies with at least 51 employees (instead of 150 employees before the reform), staff delegates will have increased opportunities to seek the advice of external counsellors or have experts to assist them on technical matters. The employer will pay the experts’ fees. Another innovation is the right to use mediation in the event of disputes about the application of the Labour Code in relation to staff delegations.

Joint company committee

The joint committee, that will be abolished and replaced progressively by the reform of 2015 (see above), has an equal number of employee representatives (appointed by secret ballot) and employer representatives (appointed by the head of the company), according to the size of the workforce employed. The role of the joint company committee is to provide a forum in which employer and employees can work together to improve industrial relations in the workplace. Among other topics, the joint company committee has to be informed and consulted on changes affecting the workplace (such as construction, extension, new production processes) (Labour Code article L. 423-1). There are some issues on which the joint company committee itself decides. These are:

  • the introduction of equipment intended to monitor the behaviour or the performance of employees (such as closed circuit cameras);
  • measures linked to workplace health and safety;
  • general criteria for recruitment, promotion or redundancy; criteria for employee appraisal;
  • workplace regulations;
  • pay-outs from workplace suggestion schemes.





Competences of the body

Involved in company level collective bargaining?

Thresholds/rules when they need to be/can be set up

du personnel / Personal-ausschuss
(Staff delegation)

By law

Employees’ representatives elected every five years


Need to be set in companies with more than 15 employees.

Joint Works Council/ Betriebsrot

By law

Employees’ representatives elected every five years and employers’ representatives.


Need to be set in companies employing more than 150 employees.

Collective bargaining

Collective bargaining

The central concern of employment relations is the collective governance of work and employment. This section looks into collective bargaining in Luxembourg.

Bargaining system

The collective agreement enables the regulations of the labour laws to be adapted to the needs and specific requirements of a company or a sector. Any collective agreement must be negotiated between social partners according to certain formalities and filed with the Inspectorate of Labour and Mines (Inspection du Travail et des Mines - ITM) for approval by the Minister of Labour and Employment. There are two types of collective agreements:

  • standard collective agreements negotiated between an employer or a group of businesses (or their representatives) and a trade union. They are legally binding between signatories.
  • collective agreements extended by a grand-ducal regulation and which are applicable to all employers and employees of the profession concerned.

The most important levels for negotiations are at sectoral and company level. The relative importance of the two levels of agreement varies from sector to sector. Sectoral agreements exist, for example, in sectors such as banking, insurance, private security, the construction sector and all the related crafts as well as in the hospital and social sector. Their single-industry agreement covers 100% of the workforce and are extended by the Ministry of Labour. However, many sectors have no industry-level agreements. In 2010, 59% of all employees had their terms and conditions of employment regulated by collective bargaining (Ries, 2013), which is quite high despite the high level of decentralisation of collective bargaining and the weakness of collective bargaining in some sectors. Unless stipulated otherwise in the collective agreement, senior management is not concerned by the working and salary conditions established in the collective agreement which applies to the staff. The following are considered to be senior management:

  • employees whose salary is significantly higher than the salaries paid to the staff covered by the collective agreement;
  • where the salary forms the counterpart in exchange for a true and effective power of management;
  • employees who benefit from independence in the organisation of their work and a large flexibility in their working hours.

Wage bargaining coverage

There is no national collective bargaining on wages. Luxembourg is characterised by the prevalence of company- level collective agreements over sectoral-level agreements. However, there is a mechanism of wage indexation. Salaries and wages (including the minimum wage) are adjusted in line with the cost of living. When the consumer price index increases or decreases by 2.5% during the previous quarter, salaries are normally adjusted by the same proportion. The consumer price index and its impact on the sliding wage scale are published monthly by the national statistics body (Statec). The employer must increase all wages by 2.5%. Sectoral collective agreements may include salary rates linked to grade and coefficient. At company level, collective agreements on wages are often concluded for 12 to 24 months.

Collective wage bargaining coverage of employees at different levels




All levels


2013 – ECS

All, excluding national level


2013 – ECS

All levels


2010 – SES

All levels


2010 – Statec

Sources: Eurofound, European Company Survey 2013 (ECS), private sector companies with establishments >10 employees (NACE B-S) – multiple answers possible; Eurostat, Structure of Earnings survey, companies >10 employees (NACE B-S), single answer: more than 50% of employees covered by such an agreement.

The latest national data about collective bargaining coverage were published in 2014. The rate of bargaining coverage is 57%. The collective bargaining coverage was estimated at 57% of the workforce, with a large difference between the public sector (100%), education (87%) and social and care activities (87%), and some activities in the private sector such as hotel and restaurant (12%) or technical and scientific activities (13%). The coverage rate differs with the size of the companies, from 30% (10 to 49 employees) to 79% (over 1,000 employees). The global rate includes the public sector and is based on the EU Structure of earnings survey (SES), in contrast to the data provided by the European Company Survey (see table), which focus on companies of the private sector with more than 10 employees.

Collective bargaining coverage – national data








All levels






Statec (2013), Regards ‘sur la couverture des conventions collectives de travail’ [on the coverage of collective labour agreements], Regards, No. 06/2013, Statec, Luxembourg

Bargaining levels

Intersectoral agreements are rare and never cover issues such as wages or working time. They mainly implement EU-wide agreements concluded by social partners, such as telework or harassment at the workplace.

The most important levels for negotiations are at the sectoral and company level. Sectoral-level agreements initially apply only to those companies that belong to the employers’ associations which have signed the agreement, but are often extended by the government to the entire sector – 28 are currently extended in this way, according the labour inspectorate (ITM, ‘Conventions collectives de travail déclarées d'obligation générale’).

There are many more company-level agreements dealing with wages than sectoral-level agreements. In 2016, the Labour inspectorate registered 81 company agreements (including 34 only in the industry) compared with 12 sectoral-level agreements (ITM, Annual report, 2016).

The relative importance of the two levels of agreement varies from sector to sector. Sectoral agreements exist, for example, in sectors such as banking, insurance and private security. However, many sectors have no industry-level agreements.

Levels of collective bargaining 2017


National level (Intersectoral)

Sectoral level

Company level



Working time


Working time


Working time

Principal or dominant level


Important but not dominant level






Existing level



The question of articulation is quite theoretical in Luxembourg as where a sectoral collective agreement exists, then it is extremely rare to find a company with its own company-level collective agreement. Therefore, collective agreements of both levels have rarely to be articulated. However, if the two levels of collective agreement exist, then the principle of favourability towards higher level agreements applies. Company-level agreements may not provide lower employment and wage conditions than sectoral-level agreements. If collective agreement provisions are worse than the legal minimum required, or limit rights provided by a sectoral-level agreement, they are declared null and void and have no effect.

Timing of the bargaining rounds

There are no major bargaining rounds at national level. Collective bargaining on wages exists in some sectors and at company level with various periods. In the banking sector and insurance sector, social partners generally conclude collective agreements for a period of three years. At company level, wage collective agreements are often concluded for shorter periods.


The most important form of wage coordination is the wage indexation mechanism. In April 2006, social partners and the government decided in the Tripartite coordination committee to ‘modulate’ the application of the wage indexation mechanism for the period 2006–2009. The modulation postponed the periodic adjustment of wage levels in line with inflation by up to seven months. This was justified by concerns over economic competitiveness following the rapid increase in oil prices. During this period, wages increased by less than general prices. Other than that, there is no coordination of wage bargaining, neither vertically nor horizontally.

Extension mechanisms

Sectoral collective agreements initially cover only those companies that belong to the employers’ associations which have signed the agreement. However, social partners nearly always ask the government to extend them to the entire sector. In May 2017, there were 27 sectoral collective agreements that were likely to be extended in this way (ITM, ‘Conventions collectives de travail déclarées d'obligation générale’). There are no other voluntary mechanisms of extension or application of the terms of collective agreements.

Derogation mechanisms

There is no possibility to derogate from collective agreements in order to pay wages below the collectively agreed level. Derogation is possible only above the collectively agreed level.

Expiry of collective agreements

In order to denounce a collective agreement (always concluded for a fixed term), in part or in its integrity, the social partners must request its termination by respecting the notice period established in the collective agreement (a maximum three-month notice period). Then parties must open new negotiations, which must in any case begin at the latest six weeks before the agreement or the provisions to be renegotiated come to term. The terminated collective agreement stops being valid as soon as a new agreement enters into force or, at the latest, on the first day of the twelfth month following the termination request, but social partners may agree on new deadlines. If there has been no request for termination of the collective agreement (or some of its dispositions) before its end date, it will be extended for an undetermined period of time. It may be subsequently terminated while respecting the notice period set out in the agreement.

Peace clause

According to the article L. 162-11 of the Labour court, during the period of validity of the collective agreement, the contracting parties shall refrain from any acts which may potentially compromise their loyal performance, as well as from any strike or lockout.

Other aspects of working life addressed in collective agreements

At national level, after the signing of a first agreement on working conditions in March 2015, the University of Luxembourg and the union OGBL have now concluded a first collective bargaining agreement, approved by the University's Board of Governors at its meeting on 21 July 2018. The agreement was signed on 4 September 2018 by Yves Elsen, Chairman of the Board, and Rector Stéphane Pallage, as well as OGBL Central Secretary Frédéric Krier and Virginie Mucciante, head of the University's staff delegation. The agreement covers academic and research staff, as well as administrative, financial and technical staff, with the exception of members of management, departmental heads of the administration, student assistants and interns. The agreement takes effect retroactively from July 2018 for a period of three years.

Industrial action and disputes

Industrial action and disputes

Legal aspects

In Luxembourg, the right to strike is based on a judicial interpretation (Supreme Court ruling of 1952) of the concept of freedom of collective industrial organisation as enshrined in Article 11(4) of the Constitution. The right to commence strike action is subject to the observance of preliminary conciliation procedures. Every industrial dispute arising in one enterprise must be referred - before any stoppage or cessation of work - to the National Conciliation Office. When all possibilities of conciliation have been exhausted, the joint conciliation committee formed within the service draws up a memorandum stating the points still in dispute. Over the next two weeks, one of the parties may refer the dispute to an arbitration by a chairperson nominated by the Government. The decision must be accepted, and this is then equivalent to the conclusion of a collective agreement. Otherwise, if attempts at conciliation and arbitration have proved unsuccessful, strike action may be initiated quite lawfully, and an employee's participation in such a strike does not constitute grounds for dismissal. Furthermore, the right to strike is forbidden during the validity of a collective agreement. Apart from strikes, which are extremely rare in Luxembourg, other industrial disputes consist mainly of demonstrations.

Incidence of different forms of industrial action 2010–2013

Work-to-rule or refusal to do overtime


Work stoppage or strike for less than a day


Strike of a day or more


Blockade or occupation


Percentage of private sector establishments reporting any form of Industrial action during the indicated period.

Source: European company survey

Dispute resolution mechanisms

Collective dispute resolution mechanisms

The industrial relations culture is based on trust and discussion between social partners. A report by CEPS-INSTEAD (Rey, 2010) stresses the low level of industrial dispute in Luxembourg. All the four studies quoted by CEPS-INSTEAD show an absence of collective action and strikes. The study explains that this ‘social peace’ is the result of various means of dispute resolution, such as conciliation under the umbrella of the National Conciliation Office (Office National de Conciliation, ONC) (see above). Outside the procedure to be observed for strike, two other conciliation processes exist, one for disputes related to the application of the collective agreement, the second in the case of disputes about working conditions. During the process, the party must avoid any action such as lock-outs or strikes that could endanger the conciliation process. At the end, the committee can propose a decision that is equivalent to the conclusion of a collective agreement if it is accepted, or a conciliation proposal. If the conciliation fails, the committee will observe the non-conciliation.

Individual dispute resolution mechanisms

The employer and an employee may ask the Labour inspectorate to resolve an individual industrial dispute. If the parties agree to accept the recommendation resulting from conciliation, then the dispute is considered resolved (L.652-1 LC). However, such initiatives are rare, and no data are available.

Use of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms

In its Annual report, the Ministry of Labour provided data about the number of cases examined by the National Office of Conciliation (ONC) about collective disputes. Since 2012, between two and eight disputes in the context of collective bargaining were brought before the ONC each year.

Use of dispute resolution mechanisms








Conciliation (ONC)







Source: ONC

Individual employment relations

Individual employment relations

Individual employment relations are the relationship between the individual worker and their employer. This relationship is shaped by legal regulation and by the outcomes of social partner negotiations over the terms and conditions governing the employment relationship. This section looks into the start and termination of the employment relationship and entitlements and obligations in Luxembourg.

Start and termination of the employment relationship

Requirements regarding an employment contract

According to the Labour code (article L. 121-4), it is compulsory to conclude a contract in writing, detailing the nature and conditions of the work relationship either before or on the first day of employment. The minimum working age is 16 years old. There are restrictions on the employment of young workers under 18 years old.

An employer recruiting a new employee in response to a lasting need for personnel as part of the normal and permanent activity of the business generally must conclude a permanent employment contract ( contrat à durée indéterminée - CDI) with the employee. The employer can only use fixed-term contracts ( contrat à durée determine - CDD) in exceptional cases in response to isolated needs of the business, according the Labour Code (L. 122-1 LC).

Dismissal and termination procedures

The provisions regarding the termination of employment contracts and protection against dismissal are contained in the Labour Code. However, some collective agreements may provide greater protection against dismissal than that provided by law.

There are four different types of termination of a permanent employment contract: dismissal with notice, dismissal without notice for gross misconduct, resignation and termination by mutual consent.

Any employer employing at least 15 people must notify the Comité de Conjuncture of any termination/redundancy taking place for reasons not linked to the employee’s aptitude or attitude. Such notification must be given at the latest when the employee is notified of the termination.

Any employer with 150 employees or more who contemplates dismissing any employee must, before reaching any decision, interview the employee concerned.

All categories of workers are protected against dismissal, in the sense that their employment relationships may only be terminated in accordance with the specific provisions of employment legislation. If the employer wants to dismiss an employee, a letter of notice of dismissal must be sent by registered mail.

Certain employees or categories of employees benefit from specific additional legal protection as employees’ representatives.

Entitlements and obligations

Parental, maternity and paternity leave

Parental leave reform was enacted in 2015 and comes into force in 2016. The law of 3 November 2016 reforming the system of parental leave (in French) entered into force on 1 December 2016. Its aim is to improve work–life balance and to encourage parents in general and fathers in particular to make greater use of parental leave. Both parents will be able to take parental leave until the child is 6 years old (instead of 5 years old under the previous system). Furthermore, since 1 January 2018, paternity leave has been increased from 2 to 10 days, under legislation passed in December 2017. The law, aimed at improving work–life balance, also introduces more flexibility for parents to use leave to take care of a sick child, but reduces some permissible leave for personal reasons.

Statutory leave arrangements

Maternity leave

Maximum duration

Eight weeks of pre-natal leave + eight weeks of postnatal leave (extended to 12 weeks if the employee is breastfeeding, or in the case of premature or multiple births).


For a salaried worker: the highest salary received during the three months prior to maternity leave, and, where applicable, the average of complementary and other benefits received during the 12 months preceding the month prior to the start of maternity leave. Financial maternity benefits cannot be lower than the social minimum wage, i.e. gross amount of €1,998.59 a month as of 1 January 2017; or higher than 5 times the social minimum wage, i.e. gross amount of €9,992.95 a month as of 1 January 2017.

Who pays?

National Heath Fund (Caisse Nationale de Santé – CNS)

Legal basis

- Labour Code, Art. L. 332-1. Art. L. 332-2.

- Social Security Code; L.25

Parental leave

Maximum duration

Those entitled to parental leave can now choose from several options, depending on the number of hours’ work provided for in their contract of employment. For a person employed full time (40 hours per week), there are four possible options: 1) Full-time leave for 4 or 6 months. 2)Part-time leave for 8 or 12 months. 3) Fragmented leave: 4 months taken over a maximum period of 20 months. 4) Fragmented leave: a 20% reduction in the weekly hours worked (for example, 1 day per week) for a maximum of 20 months.


Under the new system, the parental leave allowance, previously paid at a fixed rate of €1,778 per month, becomes a replacement income that is paid pro rata to the income earned by the parent taking parental leave. The allowance cannot be less than the minimum wage (social minimum wage), which on 1 January 2017 was €1,998.59 for a full-time (40 hours) employment contract, and its upper limit will be €3,330.98 (5/3 of the minimum wage).

Who pays?

Caisse pour l’avenir des enfants (Zukunftskees)

Legal basis

Loi du 3 novembre 2016 portant réforme du congé parental (Law of 3 November 2016 on the parental leave reform).

Labour Code, article L. 234-43 to L. 234-56

Paternity leave

Maximum duration

10 days (Four for public servants)


100% of employee’s salary.

Who pays?

Employer, but the government will reimburse the employer for the worker’s salary, starting on the third day.

Legal basis

Law of 15 December 2017

Labour Code, article L. 233-16

Special leave for family reasons

Maximum duration

  • 12 days per child aged up to three, to be taken over 4 years
  • 18 days per child aged between four and twelve, to be taken over 9 years
  • 5 days per child aged between thirteen and seventeen, if the child is hospitalised, to be taken over 5 years


100% of employee’s salary

Who pays?


Legal basis

Labour Code, article L. 234-50

Sick leave

The Labour Law defines the obligations of the sick employee as well as his or her rights (LC, article L 121-6). Social security legislation (Book I of the Social Security Code) regulates the sickness and maternity insurance scheme.
An employer must continue to pay his employee in case of sick leave due to illness or an occupational accident and must do so until the end of the month during which the 77th day of sick leave occurs, during a reference period of 12 successive months – the principle of ‘continuation of pay’ (Lohnfortzahlung, LFZ).
As from the month following the 77th day of sick leave, the National Health Fund (Caisse Nationale de Santé - CNS) takes over from the employer and pays sickness benefits to the employee on sick leave. From this point on, the employer no longer has to pay a salary to the employee while benefits from the CNS are being paid.

Retirement age

Since reforms introduced in 1996 and 1998 (Création de l’assurance pension au Luxembourg, Ministry of social security, 2013), the pension public system covers all individuals economically active in the public and private sector. The pension scheme comprises invalidity, retirement and survivor pensions. In the framework of the reform of the single statute in 2008 (Loi du 13 mai 2008 portant introduction d'un statut unique) aiming to merge the statute of ‘worker’ with the statute of ‘employee’, a single pension scheme was created for the whole private sector, the National Fund of Pension Insurance (Caisse nationale d’assurance pension - CNAP).

The retirement benefit is based on two components: a flat-rate amount contingent on years of coverage and an earnings-related amount. The pension system is financed through contributions shared equally between the employer, employee and the state. The rate, half of which is payable by the employer and half by the employee, amounts to 16% of assessable income. The State also contributes, amounting to a further 8% of total assessable income (European Commission, 2007). The statutory retirement age is 65. An early retirement scheme also exists after 40 years of contributions that allows an individual to claim a pension from age 57. However, the law of 21 December 2012 (in French) on pension reform entered into force on 1 January 2013. It introduced changes to ensure the sustainability of the public pension system, reducing the attractiveness of early retirement and changing the calculation of the pension.

Occupational system

Companies may offer their employees a pension, choosing between three types of plans: pension funds, group insurance, or book reserve schemes. As reported by the OECD, ‘pension funds may be established as Sociétés d’épargne-pension à capital variable (SEPCAVs), Associations d’épargne-pension (ASSEPs) or other types of pension funds. The SEPCAV is similar to an investment trust, while the ASSEP is a new type of company inspired by mutual insurance associations and organised like a partnership’ (OECD Private pensions outlook, 2008).

Voluntary occupational pension plans can be defined benefit or defined contribution in nature, or a hybrid of the two. According to the OECD, in 2006, ‘approximately half of all privately managed pension funds financed defined benefit plans and the other half defined contribution schemes. However, defined benefit plans, which are typically linked to final salary earnings, covered approximately 87% of pension plan members’.



Pay: For workers, the reward for work and main source of income; for employers, a cost of production and focus of bargaining and legislation. This section looks into minimum wage setting in Luxembourg and guides the reader to further material on collective wage bargaining.

In recent years, many observers of Luxembourg’s economy have worried about an excessive increase in wage costs based on the concept of nominal unit wage costs. On the other hand, the Chamber of Employees argues that Luxembourg's nominal unit labour costs is in line with the performance of neighbouring countries and the euro zone, Statistics also point to a steady decline in real wages relative to productivity in recent years. This decline is accompanied by a stagnation in the standard of living of Luxembourg households. For example, Statec notes in its 2016 Labour and Social Cohesion Report that median disposable household income has not increased from its 2006 level.












B-S Industry and services





B-N Industry and trade services





B-E Industry





B-F Industry and construction





C- Manufacturing industry





F- Construction





Minimum wages

In Luxembourg, the mechanism of wage indexation means that salaries and wages are adjusted in line with the cost of living. Therefore, the minimum wage can be impacted by two types of adjustment:

Adjustment of social minima: With other social minima, the minimum wage can be adjusted every two years according to the evolution of the average level of remuneration. When the average level of remuneration has increased relative to the minimum social wage, the level of the minimum wage can be raised to partially or completely fill this gap. For this purpose, the government has to submit a report every two years to the Chamber of Deputies on the evolution of general economic conditions and incomes. The employer must increase, where appropriate, the wages of employees paid at the minimum wage by the new rate.

Salary indexation: Wages, salaries and social benefits (including the minimum wage) are indexed to the trend of the cost of living. When the consumer price index increases or decreases by 2.5% in the previous semester, the treatments are in principle adjusted in the same proportions. The consumer price index and its impact on the sliding wage scale are published monthly by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Statec). The employer must, if necessary, increase the wages of all employees by 2.5%.

On 1 January 2019, the statutory minimum monthly wage reached €2071.10 for employees over 18 years old. Qualified employees over 18 years old receive 120% of the national minimum wage, since there has been no automatic increase.

The full minimum wage is paid from the age of 18 years. Employees aged between 17 and 18 years receive 80% of the full rate. Employees aged between 15 and 17 years receive 75% of the full rate.

Minimum wage








Adult rate (18+ non-qualified employees)







Adult rate (18+ qualified employees)







Youth rate (17-18 years old)







Youth rate (15-17 years old)







Source: Ministère de la Sécurité Sociale – Paramètres sociaux - 1er janvier 2019

For more information regarding the level and development of minimum wages, please see:

Collectively agreed pay outcomes

For more detailed information on the most recent outcomes in terms of collectively agreed pay, please see:


Working time

Working time

Working time: ‘Any period during which the worker is working, at the employer’s disposal and carrying out his activities or duties, in accordance with national laws and/or practice’ (Directive 2003/88/EC). This section briefly summarises regulation and issues regarding working time, overtime, part-time work as well as working time flexibility in Luxembourg.

Working time regulation

According to the Labour Code, standard work time for employees is eight hours a day and 40 hours a week. Collective agreements can only stipulate more favourable provisions.

By law, the employer may determine a reference period (usually one month) during which working time may be subject to flexibility. To do this, the employer must set up either a working hours plan ( plan d'organisation du travail - POT) or flexible working hours (flexitime).

Before implementing the working hours plan, the employer must consult with the staff delegation or, if there is no delegation, with all the staff concerned. If the employer’s proposal is refused twice in a row, the employer may refer the case to the Inspectorate of Labour and Mines (ITM) to reach an agreement.

Maximum working hours cannot exceed 10 hours a day or 48 hours a week. The employer must also grant minimum rest periods to his employees of 11 consecutive hours within each 24-hour period, and at least one rest period of 44 consecutive hours within each 7 day period. Where the daily work time exceeds six hours, each salaried worker is entitled to at least one rest period, whether paid or not.

The Law of 23 December 2016 on the organisation of working time that entered into force on 1 January 2017 has increased working time flexibility (see below).

For more detailed information on working time (including annual leave, statutory and collectively agreed working time), please consult:

Overtime regulation

If overtime is worked, the maximum working time cannot exceed 10 hours a day or 48 hours a week. Any working time exceeding the normal working time (40 hours a week or 40 hours a week on average within the reference period) is considered as overtime.

In order to benefit from an increase in normal working time, the employer must notify any overtime being worked to the Inspectorate of Labour and Mines (Inspection du Travail et des Mines – ITM).

The employer must also send a statement of hours worked to the ITM at the end of each authorised period. Before any overtime is worked the employer must:

  • consult the staff delegation or, failing this, the employees involved in working overtime;
  • send an overtime notification to the ITM.

In principle, the employer must compensate any employees who work overtime by granting them 1.5 hours off for every hour of overtime worked. This time off in lieu may be, at the employer's discretion, either taken as compensatory time off or put into a time savings account. The employer is free to choose between these two types of compensation. Exceptionally, payment may be made to the employee for overtime worked at a rate of 1.4.

Part-time work

Part-time work is regulated by law. Labour Code (article L. 123-1) considers part-time work as less than 40 hours a week or less than the weekly working time set out in collective agreements.

Even if part-time employees have a work schedule inferior to the standard work schedule, they can nevertheless work more than the daily and weekly hours stipulated in the contract, provided that:

  • the weekly work schedule calculated over a 4-week reference period does not exceed the duration of weekly working hours stated in the contract, and;
  • the actual daily and weekly working time does not exceed the standard daily and weekly working time stated in the contract by more than 20%.

Any employer wishing to recruit an employee on a part-time basis must conclude an employment contract either before or on the first day of work. The contract must respect certain obligations regarding form and content. Such a contract can either be a permanent contract or a fixed-term contract. In addition, it is subject to specific legal provisions. Part-time employees must have the same rights granted to full-time employees under the applicable law or collective agreement.

About 17.4% of the workforce was employed part time in 2018 in Luxemburg, slightly higher than the EU average figures (18.5%). Part-time employees are mainly female, but since 2012 the rate of female part-time employment in Luxembourg as a percentage of total employment stabilises at 35%, slightly falling to 31.4% in 2018, but still higher than the EU average of 30.8%. In in the same period the rate of male part-time employment increased from 4.3% to 5.3% – below the EU average of 8% in 2018.

Persons employed part-time in Luxembourg and EU28 (% of total employment)









Total (EU28)








Total (Luxembourg)








Women (EU28)








Women (Luxembourg)








Men (EU28)








Men (Luxembourg)








Source: Eurostat Labour Force Survey [lfsi_pt_a] – Persons employed part-time (20 to 64 years of age) – total and by sex.

Involuntary part-time

Involuntary part-time workers can be defined as those working part time because they could not find a full-time job.

Persons employed in involuntary part time in Luxembourg and EU28 (% of total part-time employment)









Total (EU28)








Total (Luxembourg)








Women (EU28)








Women (Luxembourg)








Men (EU28)








Men (Luxembourg)








Source: Eurostat Labour Force Survey [lfsa_eppgai]- involuntary part-time employment as a percentage of the total part-time employment, by sex and age (20 to 64 years of age)

On average, involuntary part-time work is far below the EU average, with 12.5 % total part-time employees in 2018 in comparison to 24.8% at EU level. Part-time work seems to be a real choice for male employees as the rate reaches only 12.1% in comparison to 33.4% in the EU in 2018.

Night work

According to the Labour code (article L. 211-14), night work (between 22.00 and 6.00) is not prohibited, nor subject to authorisation. However, the employer must ensure that the normal working time for night workers does not exceed 8 hours on average per 24-hour period calculated over a 7-day period. The employer only has to make additional payments for night work: 15% minimum for all sectors if a collective agreement is applicable (the exact rate of the increase is thereby set by this agreement); or 25 % from 01.00 in the morning in the hotel and catering sector.

Shift work

There is no legal definition of shift work but the European Working Time Directive stipulates that shift work designates ‘any method of organising work in shifts whereby workers succeed each other at the same work stations according to a certain pattern, including a rotating pattern, and which may be continuous or discontinuous, entailing the need for workers to work at different times over a given period of days or week’.

Weekend work

In principle, Sunday work (from midnight to midnight) is prohibited for all employees and apprentices. But it is authorised for certain categories of employees, in certain sectors of activity and for certain specific tasks which cannot be carried out during the week.

The employer has to send a notification to the Labour inspectorate. Each time an employee works on a Sunday, the employer must grant him either his standard hourly pay and a 70% premium for each hour worked, or compensatory rest and the 70% premium for each hour worked.

Rest and breaks

Where the daily work time exceeds 6 hours, each salaried worker is entitled to one or more rest periods, whether paid or not. However, the law does not stipulate the length of the rest period. The daily rest period is 11 uninterrupted hours. Each employee is entitled to a weekly rest period of 44 uninterrupted hours that should include the Sunday.

Working time flexibility

As mentioned, standard work time for salaried workers is eight hours a day and 40 hours a week. The employer may, after having consulted the staff delegation, determine a reference period during which work time may be subject to flexibility. In this case, the employer must set up either a working hours plan (plan d'organisation du travail - POT) or flexible working hours (flexitime). In both cases, it is necessary to determine a reference period before setting up a working hour plan (POT) or flexitime.

The Law of 23 December 2016 on the organisation of working time entered into force on 1 January 2017. Its key measure is to enable employers to extend the reference period used to calculate the duration of work from one to four months, in exchange for supplementary leave for employees. An employer can thus decide to extend the reference period without having to negotiate an agreement with the trade unions. The maximum length of weekly working time reach, depending the duration of the reference period, 44 or 45 hours for employees working 40 hours per week. But the law provides some compensation: employers must allocate additional leave days to employees based on the duration of the reference period: from 1.5 days for a reference period of between one and two months, up to 3.5 days for a reference period of between three and four months. Furthermore, an employee must be informed three days before any change of its working time schedule. However, as before, the social partners may negotiate a collective agreement to extend the reference period up to 12 months, and negotiate compensation that is appropriate to the needs of the business and the employees.

Flexitime (horaire mobile): Flexible working hours allow salaried workers to organise their daily working hours and time on an individual basis in accordance with their personal needs as long as they respect operational needs, co-workers’ reasonable needs, and the maximum working time allowed (10 hours a day and 48 hours a week).

According to the law of 23 December 2016, the decision to establish flexitime, as well as its periodicity, content and modalities, including amendments, shall be taken in the framework of a collective agreement or by mutual agreement between the employer and the staff delegation or, failing that, the employees concerned (Labour code, art. L. 211-8).

The possibility for employees to adapt the start and end of their working day according to their personal needs is quite limited in small companies (41%) but exceeds the half of the workforce in companies with over 250 employees (54%).

Health and well-being

Health and well-being

Maintaining health and well-being should be a high priority for workers and employers alike. Health is an asset closely associated with a person’s quality of life and longevity, as well as their ability to work. A healthy economy depends on a healthy workforce: organisations can experience loss of productivity through the ill-health of their workers. This section looks into psychosocial risks and health and safety in Luxembourg.

Health and safety at work

The ratio of accidents per 1,000 employees is decreasing since 2008, down from 37.3% to 26.1% in 2016.

Accidents at work, with four days’ absence or more – working days lost

Accidents per 1000 employees and % change from previous year











All accidents










Percentage change on previous year










Per 1,000 employees










Source: Eurostat, [hsw_mi01] and [lfsa_eegaed]

According to national statistics provided by the Occupational Accident Fund (Association d’assurance accident – AAA), the frequency rate of occupational accidents causing absence from work of at least one day has decreased steadily: it was 11.08% in 2000; 7.75% in 2005; 6.28% in 2010; 5.18% in 2015 and finally 5.09 in 2016 (AAA, statistiques 2016).

Psychosocial risks

According the Labour inspectorate, there is currently no specific regulation addressing psychosocial risks at work, nor are there statistics available. However, employers are legally obliged (Labour Code, article L. 312-1) to evaluate psychosocial risks and to take the necessary measures to ensure the protection and security of employees’ mental and physical health.

Skills, learning and employability

Skills, learning and employability

Skills are the passport to employment; the better skilled an individual, the more employable they are. Good skills also tend to secure better-quality jobs and better earnings. This section briefly summarises the Luxembourg system for ensuring skills and employability and looks into the extent of training.

National system for ensuring skills and employability

The State plays a very active role in continuing training provision as a whole. It acts in particular to enhance legislation in this area for collective access and individual access, to co-fund company investment and to facilitate the governance of the system.

The employers' professional chambers and the employees' professional chambers are also involved in shaping educational and vocational training policy through the recommendations they make. Professional chambers are strongly involved in upskilling.

The national institute for the development of continuing vocational training ( Institut national pour le développement de la formation professionnelle continue , INFPC) is a public institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth ( Ministère de l’Education nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse ). Its tasks are to promote lifelong learning within an economic network, and to unite all of the social and economic stakeholders around the common purpose of developing continuing training.

There are currently several sector-specific bodies that are involved in delivering continuing vocational training. Private sector companies legally based in Luxembourg and that carry out their activities mainly there, can obtain training support worth 20% of the sum invested annually. The State's financial contribution increases to 35% for participants' salary expenses if certain criteria are met on the date on which the training plan starts; the employee must have either no recognised diploma and less than 10 years' seniority, or a recognised diploma plus either more than 10 years' seniority or aged over 45.


The responsibilities of training regulation and development are shared between the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Education. The first supervises the Employment public service – the Agency for the Development of Employment (Agence pour le développement de l’emploi – ADEM). The second supervises the Department of Adult Education ( Service de la formation des adultes – SFA) and the Vocational Training Service (Service de la formation professionnelle - SFP). The National Centre for Continuing Vocational Training (C entre national de formation professionnelle continue – CNFPC) also plays a role in providing professional training.

Work organisation

Work organisation

Work organisation underpins economic and business development and has important consequences for productivity, innovation and working conditions. Eurofound research finds that some types of work organisation are associated with a better quality of work and employment. Therefore, developing or introducing different forms of work organisation are of particular interest because of the expected effects on productivity, efficiency and competitiveness of companies, as well as on workers’ working conditions. Ongoing research by Eurofound, based on EurWORK, the European Working Conditions Survey and the European Company Survey, monitors developments in work organisation.

More information on:


Equality and non-discrimination at work

Equality and non-discrimination at work

The principle of equal treatment requires that all people, and in the context of the workplace all workers, have the right to receive the same treatment, and will not be discriminated against on the basis of criteria such as age, disability, nationality, sex, race and religion.

According to the Labour Code (articles L. 253-1 to L. 253-4), any direct or indirect discrimination on the grounds of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation, real or supposed racial or ethnic origin is prohibited. A law of June 2016 adds discrimination related to gender reassignment to discrimination on the ground of gender.

This applies to conditions of access to employment, self-employment or to occupation, including selection criteria and recruitment conditions, whatever the branch of work and including all levels of the professional hierarchy and promotions. It covers:

  • access to all types and all levels of vocational guidance, vocational training, advanced vocational training and retraining, including practical work experience;
  • employment and working conditions, including dismissals and pay;
  • membership of, and involvement in, an organisation of workers or employers, or any organisation whose members carry out a particular profession, including the benefits provided by such organisations.

According the Penal Code (articles 454 to 457), the sanctions for breaches of discrimination are imprisonment for between eight days and a maximum of two years, and/or a fine of between €251 and €25,000.

The public body which is entrusted with ensuring equality at work is the Centre for Equal Treatment (Centre pour l’égalité de traitement), set up by the laws of 28 and 29 November 2006. It started work in 2008. The centre carries out its missions independently, and its purpose is to promote, analyse and monitor equal treatment between all persons without discrimination on the basis of race, ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs, handicap or age.

Equal pay and gender pay gap

The main provisions ensuring equal pay for equal work figure in the Labour Code (articles L. 241.1 to L. 241.11). The principle of equal opportunities between men and women also applies to the following.

  • Conditions of access to employment, including selection criteria and recruitment conditions, whatever the sector of work and including all levels of the professional hierarchy and promotions.
  • Access to all types and all levels of vocational guidance, vocational training, advanced vocational training and retraining, including practical work experience.
  • Employment and working conditions, including dismissals and pay.
  • Membership or involvement in an organisation of workers or employers, or any organisation whose members carry out a particular profession, including the benefits provided by such organisations.

For access to employment and training leading to employment, a difference of treatment based on sex shall not constitute discrimination where, by reason of the nature of the particular occupational activities concerned or the context in which they are carried out, this constitutes a genuine and determining occupational requirement, provided that the objective is legitimate, and the requirement is proportionate.

The legal provisions prohibit any direct or indirect references to the sex of the employee in employment offers or notices and in criteria for professional aptitude tests.

Any legal or contractual provision violating the principles of equal treatment is deemed to be null and void. All employers must ensure equal remuneration for men and women who do similar work or work of equal value.

Over the past decade, the unadjusted gender pay gap has decreased from 10.7% in 2006 to 8.6% in 2012. According the last results of the Structure of Earnings Survey 2010 (J. Ries, L. Mapengo, ‘Salaires, emploi et conditions de travail – Premiers résultats de l'enquête sur la structure des salaires de 2010, Bulletin du Statec n°2/12, Statec 2013), the pay gap between all men and women workers was 20%. However, when limited to full- time workers, the pay gap was 9%. The latest results show an improvement: in 2014, the pay gap between all men and women workers was 17%. Limited to full-time workers, the pay gap was 6% (‘Salaires, emploi et conditions de travail – Premiers résultats de l'enquête sur la structure des salaires de 2014, Bulletin du Statec n°1/17, Statec 2017).

To reduce gender inequality, the government launched in March 2016 a ‘Plan for equality between women and men 2015–2018’. In this framework, the Government Council passed amendments to the Labour Code on 23 September 2016. The main change is the introduction of the men–women equal pay principle within the Labour Code that currently only takes place in a Grand Ducal regulation. The bill also amends the Labour Code on two points: 1) It simplifies the procedure for receiving financial help in the case of hiring a worker of the under-represented gender; 2) It specifies the conditions for receiving financial assistance under the ‘positive actions’ programme.

Quota regulations

There is currently no obligation for specific quotas to promote the membership of women on supervisory boards. However, to reach the goal of having 40% of economic decision-making posts occupied by women by 2019, in 2009 the Equal Opportunities Ministry, in partnership with the Economy Ministry, launched a new scheme and is appealing to the private sector to do more.



All Eurofound publications are available at

Allegrezza, S., Hirsch, M. and von Kunitzki, N. (eds.) (2003), L’Histoire, le présent et l’avenir du modèle luxembourgeois [The past, present and future of the Luxembourg model], Institut d’études européennes et internationales du Luxembourg [Institute for European and International Studies], Luxembourg.

Bonn Steichen and Partners (2013), Luxembourg: Employment Law (3.87 MB PDF) , Bonn Steichen and Partners, Luxembourg.

Clément, F. (2008), Les relations professionnelles au Luxembourg [Industrial relations in Luxembourg], Eures, Luxembourg.

Clément, F. (2011), Les relations professionnelles tripartites: Le cas du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg [Tripartite industrial relations: the case of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg], PhD thesis, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, Paris.

Eurofound (2005), Works councils, Workplace representation and participation structures , Dublin.

Eurofound (2011), Information and consultation practice across Europe five years after the EU Directive , Dublin.

European Commission (2007), Pension schemes and projection models in EU-25 Member States v, Brussels.

Eurostat (2011), ‘GDP per capita varied by more than six to one across the EU in 2010’, Statistics in focus, 64/2011, Luxembourg.

Eurostat (2015), GDP per capita, consumption per capita and price level indices , Statistics Explained, 16 June.

Frising, A., Osier, G., Reiff, P., Ries, J., Zahlen, P. (2011), ‘Rapport travail et cohésion sociale 2011’, Cahier économique, No. 112, Statec, Luxembourg.

Fulton, L. (2013), ‘ Trade Unions ’ in Worker representation in Europe, Labour Research Department and ETUI, Brussels.

Le portail de statistiques Grande Duché de Luxembourg (2014), ‘ Taux de chômage en août 2014: 7.2% ’ [Unemployment rate in August 2014: 7.2%], web page.

Leduc, K. (2013), ‘ Ecart salarial à l’embauche selon le genre: une analyse par métier ’ [The hiring wage gender gap: an analysis by business], Les Cahiers du CEPS/INSTEAD: Population et Emploi, No. 2013-05, CEPS/INSTEAD, Esch-sur-Alzette.

Luxemburger Wort (2012), ‘Le LCGB et l’OGBL toujours plus à l’écoute des frontaliers’, 9 November.

Maas, R., Blond-Hanten, C., Etienne-Robert, F. (2012), Le temps de travail, l’emploi, la formation et l’égalité des genres dans les conventions collectives de travail en 2005 et 2006 [Working time, employment, training and gender equality in collective labour agreements in 2005 and 2006], CEPS-INSTEAD, Esch-sur-Alzette.

Ministry of Labour (Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de l'Économie sociale et solidaire) (2014), Rapport d’activité 2013 , The Government of the Grand Duchy Of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

OECD (undated), Trade union density , accessed 23 November 2015.

Rey, F. (2010), ‘ La place du Luxembourg dans les portraits statistiques des système de relations professionnelles ’ [The place of Luxembourg in statistical portraits of the industrial relations system], Les Cahiers du CEPS/INSTEAD, No. 2010-06, CEPS/INSTEAD, Esch-sur-Alzette.

Statec (2010), Sommaire: Le coût de la main-d’œuvre 2008 (660 KB PDF) [Summary: The cost of labour in 2008], Bulletin du STATEC No. 7–2010, Luxembourg.

Statec (2012), ‘ Salaires, emploi et conditions de travail: Premiers résultats de l’enquête sur la structure des salaires de 2010 ’ [Wages, employment and working conditions: First Results of the survey on wage structure in 2010], Bulletin du Statec, No. 2/2102, Statec, Luxembourg.

Statec (2013a), Annuaire statistique du Luxembourg 2012 , Statec, Luxembourg.

Statec (2013b), ‘ Salaires, emploi et conditions de travail – Premiers résultats de l'enquête sur la structure des salaires de 2010 ’, Bulletin du Statec, No. 2/12, Statec 2013

Statec (2013c), ‘Sur la couverture des conventions collectives de travail ’ [on the coverage of collective labour agreements], Regards, No. 06/2013, Statec, Luxembourg.

Statec (2017), ‘ Salaires, emploi et conditions de travail ’, Bulletin du Statec n° 1/17, Statec 2017.

SchmitC. (2017), Sur l’impact de l’indexation dur l’inflation sous-jacente, Regards, Number 10, Statec.

Statec (2018), Luxembourg in figures – 2018 , Statec.

Thill, P. and Thomas, A. (2010), ‘Le modèle social luxembourgeois: Tendances historiques et nouveaux défis’ [The Luxembourg social model: historical trends and new challenges], Forum, No. 294, pp. 50–52.

Thill, P. and Thomas, A. (2011), ‘The end of consensus? The effects of the economic crisis on industrial relations in Luxembourg’, in Baglioni, M. and Brandl, B. (eds.), Changing labour relations between path dependency and global trends, Peter Lang, Frankfurt.

Visser, J. (2004), ICTWSS: Database on Institutional Characteristics of Trade Unions, Wage Setting, State Intervention and Social Pacts, 2004 wave, University of Amsterdam.

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